Contact Information
Paul Utgoff directs the Machine Learning Laboratory
in the College of Information & Computer Sciences
at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst.
Research Focus
My main research interests are rooted in the longstanding
fundamental problem of how intelligent systems can acquire features,
terms, and other representational structures that are prerequisite to
further learning. Simple learning can be accomplished by application
of a statistical pattern-finding algorithms, but how are learned
patterns employed in the grander design of sustained learning over the
lifetime of an intelligent entity? In terms of Clark & Thornton's
compelling distinction between Type-1 and Type-2 learning, I am
completely intrigued with the issues involved in understanding and
modeling Type-2 learning, which involves building representational
mappings when no statistical relationship exists between the
independent and dependent variables. Quartz has also described well
this dichotomy between setting up representations (Type-2) and then
making use of those representations for the better understood
processes of identifying simple input/output mappings (Type-1). What
mechanisms can account for sustained Type-2 and Type-1 learning? For
me, this is the most exciting and most central problem in attaining
new levels of mechanical intelligence.
I have been working on algorithms that incidentally solve Type-1
problems when present and possible, each one producing a building
block that joins a many-layered deeply-nested organization of such
elements. Earlier learning lays the groundwork for later learning. I
am guided by the principle that all learning is simple if the
prerequisites are in place. I am quite fascinated by textbooks, as
each presents a large body of coherent knowledge carefully organized
in terms of building blocks and their dependencies.
Present Students
I am ably assisted by my graduates students:
- David Stracuzzi (Ph.D. expected Spring 2005)
- Laylaa Ali (M.S. expected Summer 2004)
- Stephen Murtagh (Ph.D. student)
- Gary Holness (Ph.D. student)
Classification of Phytoplankton Images
UMass researchers from the Computer Vision Laboaratory
and the Machine Learning
Laboratory are collaborating with marine scientists from Bigelow Laboratory to build image
classification systems that are capable of discriminating a large
variety of phytoplankton. The ability to automate analyses of samples
in various settings will enable studies of such ocean life to be
conducted at much lower cost, and in a much more timely manner. We
are investigating classification algorithms, ensemble classifiers, and
feature sets that enable separation of useful classes to apply to
challenging real-world problems.
Music Perception
I am collaborating on automated music perception with
Prof. Chris Raphael of our
Mathematics and Statistics Department.
Ideally, we would like to be able to take as input an audio signal of
a music performance, and produce as output a music score for the
selection that was performed. There are many subproblems, including
determining the fundamental pitch events, pulse, meter, key signature,
intentional variations of pitch and note duration, articulation
identification, voice leading and chord identification. We approach
many of these problems starting with a midi performance instead of an
audio signal, to factor out the problem of correctly identifying pitch
events. If these kinds of problems interest you, and you have studied
music performance, come get involved.
Decision Tree Induction
I have developed and I maintain the ITI (Incremental Tree Inducer)
and DMTI (Direct Metric Tree Induction) decision tree induction systems. I welcome questions, suggestions,
and hearing of useful applications.
Ph.D. Graduates
- Jeffery Clouse,
Research Scientist, Lucent Technologies
- Carla Brodley,
Associate Professor, Purdue University
- Tom Fawcett,
Research Scientist, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
- Jamie Callan,
Associate Professor, Carnegie-Mellon University
- Sharad Saxena, Senior Member Technical Staff, Texas Instruments.
- Stracuzzi, D.J., & Utgoff, P.E. (accepted). Randomized
variable elimination. Journal of Machine Learning Research.
- Precup, D., & Utgoff, P.E. (2004). Classification using
Phi-machines and constructive function approximation. Machine
Learning, 55, 31-52.
- Stracuzzi, D.J., & Utgoff, P.E. (2002). Randomized variable
elimination. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International
Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 594-601).
- Utgoff, P.E., & Stracuzzi, D.J. (2002a). Many-layered
learning. (.ps) (.pdf)
Neural Computation, 14, 2497-2539.
- Utgoff, P.E., & Stracuzzi, D.J. (2002b). Many-layered
learning. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Development and Learning (pp. 141-146).
- Utgoff, P.E., & Cochran, R.P. (2001). A least-certainty
heuristic for selective search.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computers
and Games (pp. 1-18). Springer Verlag.
- Utgoff, P.E. (2001). Feature construction for game playing
(pp. 131-152).
In Fuerenkranz & Kubat
(Eds.), Machines that learn to play games. Nova Science
- Utgoff, P.E., & Stracuzzi, D.J. (1999). Approximation via
value unification.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International
Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 425-432). Ljubljana:
Morgan Kaufmann.
- Piater, J.H., Riseman, E.M., & Utgoff, P.E. (1999).
Interactively training pixel classifiers. International
Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
13, 171-193.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1998). Decision trees (pp. 222-224).
In Wilson & Keil (Eds.), The MIT encyclopedia of cognitive sciences.
- Precup, D., & Utgoff, P.E. (1998). Classification using
Phi-machines and constructive function approximation.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on
Machine Learning (pp. 439-444).
- Utgoff, P.E., & Precup, D. (1998b). Constructive function
approximation (pp. 219-235).
In Motoda & Liu (Eds.),
Feature extraction, construction, and selection: A data-mining
perspective. Kluwer.
- Piater, J., Riseman, E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1998). Interactively
training pixel classifiers. Eleventh International FLAIRS
Conference (FLAIRS-98) (pp. 57-61).
- Schmill, M.D., Rosenstein, M.T., Cohen, P.R., & Utgoff, P.E. (1998).
Learning what is relevant to the effects of actions for a mobile robot.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Autonomous Agents (pp. 247-253).
- Moss, J.E.B., Utgoff, P.E., Cavazos, J., Precup, D., Stefanovic,
D., Brodley, C., & Scheeff, D. (1998). Learning to schedule
straight-line code. Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (pp. 929-935). San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E., Berkman, N.C., & Clouse, J.A. (1997). Decision
tree induction based on efficient tree restructuring. (.ps) (.pdf)
Machine Learning, 29, 5-44.
- Brodley, C.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1995). Multivariate decision
trees. Machine Learning, 19, 45-77.
- Draper, B.A., Brodley, C.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1994).
Goal-directed classification using linear machine decision trees.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
19, 888-893.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1994). An improved algorithm for incremental
induction of decision trees. Proceedings of the Eleventh
International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 318-325).
- Brodley, C.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1994). Dynamic recursive model
class selection for classifier construction. In Cheeseman &
Olford (Eds.), Selecting models from data: AI and statistics
- Brodley, C.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1992).
Dynamic recursive model class selection for classifier construction.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Statistics.
- Clouse, J.A., & Utgoff, P.E. (1992). A teaching method for
reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 92-101). Aberdeen: Morgan
- Fawcett, T.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1992). Automatic feature
generation for problem solving systems. Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning
(pp. 144-153). Aberdeen: Morgan Kaufman.
- Utgoff, P.E., & Clouse, J.A. (1991). Two kinds of training
information for evaluation function learning. (.ps) (.pdf)
Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (pp. 596-600). Anaheim, CA: AAAI Press/The MIT
- Callan, J.P., & Utgoff, P.E. (1991). Constructive induction
on domain information. Proceedings of the Ninth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 614-619). Anaheim,
CA: AAAI Press/The MIT Press.
- Fawcett, T.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1991). A hybrid method for
feature generation. Proceedings of the Eighth International
Workshop on Machine Learning (pp. 137-141). Evanston, IL:
Morgan Kaufman.
- Callan, J.P., & Utgoff, P.E. (1991). A transformational
approach to constructive induction. Proceedings of the Eighth
International Workshop on Machine Learning (pp. 122-126).
Evanston, IL: Morgan Kaufman.
- Yee, R.C., Saxena, S., Utgoff, P.E., & Barto, A.G. (1990).
Explaining temporal-differences to create useful concepts for
evaluating states. Proceedings of the Eighth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 882-888).
Cambridge, MA: AAAI Press/The MIT Press.
- Utgoff, P.E., & Brodley, C.E. (1990). An incremental method
for finding multivariate splits for decision trees.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine
Learning (pp. 58-65). Austin, TX: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1989a). Perceptron trees: A case study in hybrid
concept representations. Connection Science, 1, 377-391.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1989b). Incremental induction of decision trees.
(.ps) (.pdf)
Machine Learning, 4, 161-186.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1989c). Improved training via incremental learning.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Machine
Learning (pp. 362-365). Ithaca, NY: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1988a). Perceptron trees: A case study in hybrid
concept representations. Proceedings of the Seventh National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 601-606). St.Paul,
MN: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1988b). ID5: An incremental ID3. Proceedings of
the Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning
(pp. 107-120). Ann Arbor, MI: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E., & Heitman, P.S. (1988c).
Learning and generalizing move selection preferences.
Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Game Playing
(pp. 36-40). Palo Alto, CA.
- Connell, M.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1987). Learning to control a
dynamic physical system. Computational Intelligence, 3,
- Utgoff, P.E., & Saxena, S. (1987). Learning a preference
predicate. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
Machine Learning (pp. 115-121). Irvine, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Connell, M.E., & Utgoff, P.E. (1987). Learning to control a
dynamic physical system. Proceedings of the Sixth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 456-460). Seattle,
WA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1986a). Machine learning of inductive bias.
Hingham, MA: Kluwer.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1986b). Shift of bias for inductive concept
learning (pp. 107-148). In Michalski, Carbonell & Mitchell
(Eds.), Machine learning: An artificial intelligence
approach. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1984). Shift of bias for inductive concept
learning. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer
Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
- Utgoff, P.E. (1983a). Adjusting bias in concept learning.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (pp. 447-449). Karlsruhe, FRG: Morgan
- Utgoff, P.E. (1983b). Adjusting bias in concept learning.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Machine
Learning (pp. 105-109). Monticello, IL.
- Mitchell, T.M., Utgoff, P.E., & Banerji, R.B. (1983).
Learning by experimentation: Acquiring and refining
problem-solving heuristics (pp. 163-190). In Michalski, Carbonell
& Mitchell (Eds.), Machine learning: An artificial
intelligence approach. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Utgoff, P.E., & Mitchell, T.M. (1982). Acquisition of
appropriate bias for inductive concept learning. Proceedings
of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(pp. 414-417). Pittsburgh, PA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Mitchell, T.M., Utgoff, P.E., Nudel, B., & Banerji,
R.B. (1981). Learning problem-solving heuristics through
practice. Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 127-134).
Vancouver, B.C.: Morgan Kaufmann.
Last Updated: June 10, 2004
Paul Utgoff:
© Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved, Paul Utgoff, University of Massachusetts